Zhizhou Sha

I'm a fourth-year undergraduate majoring Computer Science and Technology, at Department of Computer Science and Technonlogy, Tsinghua University.

I have been fortunate to work with Prof. Zhuowen Tu at UCSD

I really like to dicuss anything about research, life, and ourselves. Feel free to drop me an email!

I am actively looking for research opportunities and a Ph.D. position in 2025 Fall!

Email  /  CV(English)  /  CV(Chinese)  /  Twitter  /  Github  /  Linkedin

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My research interests lie in the area of Computer Vision and Machine Learning. I am especially interested in leveraging knowledge from foundation model to augment the capabilities of autonomous agents, which can further liberate individuals from mundane and repetitive tasks. My ultimate goal is to build an intelligent agent that can help us explore the world and expand our boundaries of perception, decision and action.


TokenCompose: Grounding Diffusion with Token-level Supervision
Zirui Wang, Zhizhou Sha, Zheng Ding, Yilin Wang, Zhuowen Tu
CVPR, 2024
website / arxiv / code

We introduce token-wise consistency terms between the image content and object segmentation maps in training text-to-image models for enhanced multi-category instance composition and photorealism.

OmniControlNet: Dual-stage Integration for Conditional Image Generation
Yilin Wang*, Haiyang Xu*, Xiang Zhang, Zeyuan Chen, Zhizhou Sha, Zirui Wang, Zhuowen Tu

We propose OmniControlNet, a dual-stage integration framework for conditional image generation, which could effectively generate different controls and corresponding images in a unified framework.


PBRS algorithm for Unitree H1 Robot

Implement the PBRS algorithm specifically tailored for the Unitree H1 Robot. Enable the H1 Robot to walk following given linear velocity and angular velocity commands without falling.

This is the source code from Jon Barron. Thanks to him for sharing this beautiful template!